Adverb Clauses of Time (Zaman Bildiren Zarf Yan Cümleleri)
Zaman bildiren zarf yan cümlesi belirli bağlaçlarla kullanılır. Bu bağlaçlarla kurulan yan cümleler ana cümlenin başına ve sonuna getirilebilir. Başa geldiğinde ana cümle ile arasına virgül konur.
Zaman zarf cümlecikleri gelecek zamandan bahsetse bile içerisine will almaz.
v They will go for a holiday. Their son will come from abroad.
v They will go for a holiday when their son comes will come from abroad.
when –dığı zaman, -dığında
v I will do that when I have time.
Vaktm Olduğunda onu yapaCağım
v When I got home, my son was playing with his toys.
v She was watching television when her father came home.
v They were playing football when I saw them.
v I’ll give him your message when I see will see him tomorrow.
while -iken, -esnasında
v The teacher came in while we were listening to the music.
v While we were waiting for the bus, we heard an explosion.
v They were sleeping while (as) we were listening to music.
v I was thinking of her while (as) I was driving to İstanbul.
after -den sonra
v After they heard the signal, they called the police.
v You will feel better after you eat something.
v He will study English after he washes the dishes.
v Soon/shortly after we joined the motorway, the car started to make a strange noise.
v I went to the post office immediately after I left you.
before -den önce
v Before you leave, you should turn off the lights.
v Roger was nervous before he took the test.
v We fasten our seat belts before the plane takes off.
v Don’t open this box until your father comes.
until -e / -ceye kadar
v Until it stops raining, we won’t go out.
v I didn’t know Clara until you introduced her to me this morning.
v I had forgotten Jenny until I ran across her photos.
v Fry the onions till they start to colour
v No decision will be made till we know all the facts.
Now that madem ki, -ne göre
v I can read my book now that the children are sleeping.
v You can make some coffee now that the water is boiling.
v I'm feeling much better now that the cold weather is past
v Now that the children have left home I can live my own life again.
Whenever her ne zaman
v I feel sad whenever I remember my ex-wife.
v Whenever I was bored, I would go to the mountains.
v You can call me whenever you like.
v Whenever you see an officer, you must salute.
v Whenever she goes out with her baby, she always takes a large supply of baby food with her
Since -den beri
v She hasn’t called me since I came here.
v Thank you for being my best friend since I was a child.
v He has lived in a little hut since he was born.
v I have been working in Ankara since I graduated from the university.
As soon as olur olmaz
v We will eat as soon as the children come.
v I shall call her up as soon as I have finished my work.
v As soon as I saw her, I knew there was something wrong
v As soon as she arrived in Tokyo, she booked in at her hotel.
v As soon as they saw we had guns, they turned tail and ran away
As -iken = while
v They were sleeping while (as) we were listening to music.
v I was thinking of her while (as) I was driving to İstanbul.
v I saw him as I was coming into the building
v He gets cuter as he gets older
Hardly /Barely / Scarcely … when x olduğunda y henüz olmuştu
v I had hardly begun breakfast when the postman came.
v She had hardly woken up when her husband arrived
v The meeting had scarcely begun when it was interrupted
v I had scarcely sat down to eat when the phone rang
v She was barely fifteen when she won her first championship
v Graham had barely finished his coffee when Henry returned
No sooner …. Than x olduğunda y henüz olmuştu
v He had no sooner left the house than it began to rain
v No sooner was the frost off the ground than the work began.
v No sooner had I put the phone down than it rang again
By the time –dığı zaman, -dığında
v By the time John finished his studies, he had been in Istanbul for over six years.
v Anna, had your father bought a newcar by the time he retired?
v By the time this letter reaches, you I will have left the country
v By the time you graduate, my father will have retired.
Immediately olur olmaz = As soon as
v Immediately she'd gone, the boys started to mess about.
v Immediately she’d gone, I remembered her name.
v Immediately you begin to speak, he gives you his full attention
v They phoned immediately they reached home.
The instant olur olmaz = As soon as
v I recognized her the instant I saw her.
v The instant I saw him, I knew he was the man from the restaurant.
v Jen burst out laughing the instant she walked in.
The moment olur olmaz = As soon as
v The moment I get the money I'll send the ticket
v He said he'd phone you the moment he got home.
Directly hemen sonra = just after
v Directly he was paid, he went out the store
v I'll be with you directly I've finished this letter.
v I went out directly I got his message
Every time her ne zaman = whenever
v Every time we go into a shop, the kids ask me to buy them sweets
v Every time I ring her, her phone number is engaged
Once –isen, bir olsa
v Once I've found somewhere to stay I'll send you my address.
v Remember that you won't be able to cancel the contract once you've signed
v Once I get him a job, he'll be fine
v Once he goes, we can clean up
The first /next/last time : ilk/sonraki/en son …-dığında
v Liz and I really clicked the first time we met.
v She was rejected the first time she applied to the university
v The next time he took the test, he was better prepared
v The next time you visit, can you give me more money?
v The last time we played squash he beat me hands down
v The last time I went shopping with you, I ended up seriously out of pocket